Electronic shelf labels or digital price tags are not new, but they are emerging all over the United States, and for good reason. The ESL tag is an electronic ink-driven display that uses the same technology as the Amazon Kindle™ display. The ESL label does not require any power cord, can be updated instantly throughout the store, and can use a simple watch battery for up to 5 years. Each tag has its own unique code, allowing wireless updates of price and tag content from the store database.
Functions of our ESL solution:
*Multi-stores management from one place
*Synchronize the POS price in seconds
*Automatically change promotion state
*5-10 years battery life and replaceable
*Free API for secondary development or system integration, like click & collect, POS/ERP, Printer, geo-location…
*LED flash strategy for different needs
Post time: Dec-20-2021